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Mr. Mohamed Yacoub

Mr. Mohamed Yacoub

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PostSubject: Here is the model answer.   Here is the model answer. I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 1:09 pm

Alsalamou Alaikom.How are you Belal and all of the students. Here is your sheets model answer. If you have any problems, plz don't hesitate to contact me.

Islamic Studies
The Model Answer for the Final Revision Sheet
  Grade (6)  

Chapter 1, the Ka’bah
 (p. 1-7)
Fill in the blanks.

- The Ka’bah is the oldest house of worship on earth. 

- People go to Makka for Umrah all the year round.

- Adam was the first one who built the Ka’bah.

- Prophet Ibraheem came to Makka with his wife Hajar and their son Isma’eel.

- Jurhum was the first tribe that came to settle in Makka.

- Prophet Ibraheem stood on a stone while re-building the Ka’bah. This stone is called “Maqaam Ibraaheem”.

- The cover of the Ka’bah is a mixture of silk and cotton.

- The Kiswah (cover of the Ka’bah) used to be woven in Cairo, but now it is made in Makkah.

- This Kiswah consists of 450 kilograms of pure silk.

- These days the Ka’bah is washed twice with perfumed water, once in Ramadan and once before the Hajj season.

- Pilgrims kiss the Black Stone or make a gesture at its direction and say Allahu Akbar.

- The black stone came from Heaven.

- The area adjacent to the Ka’bah on its west side enclosed by a low semicircular wall is called Al-Hateem.

- To drink the water of Zamzam is a rite for both hajj and Umrah.

- The prophet said, “the water of Zamzam serves the purpose for which it is drunk.

- We enter miqaat to make Ihraam.

- We refer to the Ka’bah as “The House of Allah”, but we don’t worship it.

- Karamatians stole the Black Stone for about 12 years. 

- We can touch or point to the Black Stone when beginning tawaaf. 

- The Ka’bah is the emblem of faith in Allah the almighty.

Chapter 2, the prayer
 (p. 10-12)

Fill in the blanks.

- The prayer was the first obligatory duty upon the prophet and his followers.
- When the prophet was asked, “which deed is the best?” He replied,” performing salah at its due time”.

- The congregational prayer is better than the individual prayer by 27 degrees.

- Mention the names of the five prayers in English. {not in transliteration}
1-The dawn prayer.
2-The noon prayer.
3-The afternoon prayer.
4-The sunset prayer.
5-The late evening prayer. 

- As-Sunan Ar-Raatibah are:

a- Two rak’ahs before the Fajr prayer. 
b- Four rak’ahs before the Dhuhr prayer.
c- Two rak’ahs after the Dhuhr prayer.
d- Two rak’ahs after the Maghrib prayer.
e- Two rak’ahs after the Isha prayer.

- The time for al-witr extends from the Isha prayer until shortly before the Fajr prayer. 

- In the rak’ah of al-witr, the prophet frequently recited surat al-Ikhlas after surat al- fatiha.

Chapter 5 & 6, (p. 31-39)

A- Answer the following questions.  

1- What is the translation of “Subhan Allah wa behamdeh”?
Glory be to Allah. His is the praise.

2- If I get somewhere and I want nothing to harm me, what should I say?
A’oodu Bekalimat Allah Atamat min Shar ma Khalak

3- What is the master prayer for forgiveness?  
Alahoma anta rabi la ilaha ila anta. Khalaktani wa ana abduk. Wa ana ala ahdika wa wa’dika ma istata’tu. Audu bika min shar ma sanatu. Abu’o laka bineamateka alia. Wa abou’o bidanbi faghfer li fa inahu la yaghferu aldhunuba ila ant.

Note: “any readable transliteration is accepted”

4- What is the reward of whoever says “Subhan Allah wa behamdeh” a hundred times?
Allah will forgive his/her sins even if they “the sins” were as much as the foam of the sea.

5- What does Taraaweeh means in Arabic?
It means “a pause for rest”.

B- Write True or False.  
1-We start Taraaweeh with Witr. ( F )
2- Salaat-ut-Taraaweeh is performed at noon. ( F )
3- Salaat-ut-Taraaweeh is only for men. ( F )
4- Omar bin al-Khattab was the first to gather people behind
  one imam in Taraaweeh. ( T )  
5- Salaat-ut-Taraaweeh is a Sunnah. ( T )  
6- Witr consists mainly of only one prayer. “Rak’ah” ( T )  

B- How can one get a thousand good deeds every day?

By saying “Subhana Allah” one hundred times.

Chapter 8, Sawm
 (p. 46-51)

Answer the following questions.

1- What are the three pillars of fasting?

a- An-Niyyah “ the intention”
b- Al- Imsaak “ abstaining”
c- Time.

2- Mention some Sunan (recommended acts that the prophet did) of fasting.

a- As-Sahoor and delaying it.
b- Hastening to break the fast.
c- Breaking the fast with dates, if not, then with water.
d- Doa’a.” invocation” 

3- Mention some things that break the fast.
a- eating
b- drinking
c-deliberate vomiting
d- intending to break the fast

Fill in the blanks.

- Sawm means in Islam to abstain from eating, drinking and other things from dawn until sunset with the intention of getting closer to Allah.

- Fasting is a form of protection From Hellfire.
- In Ramadan, the gates of Heaven are opened and the gates of Hellfire are locked.

- In Paradise, there is a gate called Ar-Rayyan only for those who were fasting.
- The main reason behind fasting is to attain taqwaa “piety”.

- If someone attacks you while you are fasting, you should say “I am fasting. I am fasting”.

- Pregnant women and nursing mothers are allowed to delay their fast.

Write true (T) or false (F).
- The fast of Ramadan was made obligatory on Muslims in the second year of the Higrah. ( T ) 
- Fasting is compulsory for every Muslim sound or ill, young or old, man, child or woman. ( F )
- The permanently ill and the too old people are exempted from fasting, but they have to make up for the missed days. ( T )  
- The terminally ill and the travelers are allowed to postpone fasting. ( T )
- The fasting person has only one joy. ( F )

Chapter 10, Zakah
 (p. 61-66)

Answer the following questions.

1-What is the meaning of Zakah in Islam?
It is the amount required from Muslims, whose wealth reaches a certain nisaab, to pay to those who deserve it. 

2- Mention some benefits of Zakah.
a- It purifies a person’s heart and wealth.
b- It takes a person away from selfishness.
c- It strengthens the social ties between all people.

3- Who are the eight categories that are entitled to receive Zakah?
a- The poor.
b- The needy.
c- The collectors of Zakah.
d- Those whose hearts are to be reconciled.
e- For freeing slaves.
f- The debtors.
g- In the way Allah.
i. The broke travelers.

1- The third pillar of Islam is “i”  
2- Those who refuse the obligation of Zakah are “g”  
3- 595 grams is the nisaab of “f”  
4- 85 grams is the nisaab of “e”  
5- “5” is the nisaab of “ d”  
6- “40” is the nisaab of “ c”  
7- “30” is the nisaab of “ b”  
8- Zakah is obligatory only on “ a”  

Good Luck
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PostSubject: Re: Here is the model answer.   Here is the model answer. I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 9:12 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Walaikom Alsalam mr. Mohamed .............

Thank you mr. for all thing I am so happy Very Happy to contact with me. Like a Star @ heaven

I love you so much . cheers cheers cheers

lol! lol! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Here is the model answer.   Here is the model answer. I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 11:06 pm

salam alakom we are in grade 6A and we was answering the questions but its not arrange so please can u arrange it 4 us cause we felt comfuse
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PostSubject: Re: Here is the model answer.   Here is the model answer. I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2010 5:24 pm

Thank you mr. for all thing I am so happy


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