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PostSubject: Revision sheet answers "Because of Winn-Dixie"   Revision sheet answers "Because of Winn-Dixie" I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 5:24 pm

Because of Winn-Dixie

A) Identify the choice that the best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The genre of “Because of Winn-Dixie “is……………………………
a. Tall tale
b. Realistic Fiction
c. Historical Fiction

2.What is the theme of “Because of Winn-Dixie”……………………………….
a. People can solve problems by looking within their own hearts.
b. A dog brings two people together in a Florida library.
c. people must live in another place.

3. The story takes place in………………………………………..
a. school
b. Library
c. a local store

4. The main character in “Because of Winn-Dixie” is…………………………………
a. Opal
b. Miss Franny
c. Amanda

5. Setting is………………………………………………….
a.Where and when the story takes place
b. The events of the story
c. The time without the place

6. In realistic fiction the characters and events…………………………………..
a. are greater than our real life.
b. are like people and events in our real life
c. couldn’t happen in our real life

7. Miss Franny is afraid from………………………..
a. Opal
b.The dog

8. Which event happened first…………………….
a. Opal heard a scream
b.Opal left the dog out
c. Miss Franny dropped to the floor in fear

9 . ………………………. Is the narrator of the story.
a. Miss Franny
b. Opal
c. Winn-Dixie

10. This story is narrated in the…………………. Person point of view
a. first
b. second
c. third

B) Give short answer to the following question:
1-Why do you think Miss Franny is sitting on the floor?

She dropped to the floor in fear because she thinks she saw a bear at the window.
2-How do you think Opal and Miss Franny are alike ?

They are both lonely.

3-How does Miss Franny think about bears? How do you know?

She is terrified of bears. She is trembling and shaking.
4-When did a bear come into the library?

From a long time ago.
5-What happened In the story Miss Franny told about bear in brief?

Once ,when Miss Franny was young librarian, a bear walked into her library. She threw a book at it and the bear left with the book.

6-What happened to Miss Franny’s feelings about Winn-Dixie from the beginning of the story to the end?

At first She was afraid of Winn-Dixie because she thinks he is a bear. At the end,She becomes his friend after the dog “smiles “to her.

Good luck!
Mrs. Riham
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