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maths coordinator

maths coordinator

Posts : 113
Join date : 2010-01-28
Location : Deplomatic International School

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PostSubject: share your break with others   share your break with others I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2010 7:12 am

Dear all,

OK, so here is how you play. I will post a statement to start us off. It will be two seperate words that make sense together. (Or somewhat )

Here's an example:

Grape Juice

Then, whoever posts next changes one word to make a new statement. It could be..

Fruit juice

The next poster could change it to...

Smelly fruit

And so on! Have fun and follow the game rules!

So ok I'll start:

White mouse Razz

You can only use the same word three times in a row, then you must change.

Maths coordinator sunny
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