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 Revision Sheet gr 3 - the answer of Boom Town and What About Me?

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Nermeen Ali

Nermeen Ali

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PostSubject: Revision Sheet gr 3 - the answer of Boom Town and What About Me?   Revision Sheet gr 3  - the answer of Boom Town and What About Me? I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 2:42 pm

Grade 3
English Mid-Year Revision

1) Reading:
Boom town

A) Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Why didn't Pa stay at the cabin during the week?
a. The oven made the cabin too hot for him.
b. He did not want to get in Amanda's way.
c. The cabin was too far from the gold fields

____ 2. What is one reason Amanda decided to bake a pie?
a. Her sister Betsy liked pie.
b. She was very bored.
c. She wanted to help her mother.

____ 3. What kind of person is Pa?
a. Pa never smiles.
b. Pa is strict and firm.
c. Pa is hopeful and kind.

____ 4. Why do Amanda's brothers whoop and slap their sides ?
a. They succeed in the English test.
b. They find gold.
c. They think it is funny that Amanda's pie is burnt and hard as rock.

____ 5. Amanda tries twice more to bake a pie. What does this tell you about her character?
a. She refuses to give up, she is very determined girl.
b. She is lazy and dull
c. She is sad.

____ 6. Mr. Hooper told Amanda, "this is getting to be a boom town." What did he mean?
a. The new people in the town were too loud.
b. The town was growing and doing well.
c. Miner's blew up the fields to find gold.

B) Give short answers to the following question.

1- What is the genre of Boom Town? How do you know?
The genre of Boom Town is Historical Fiction because it happened in the past.

2- When does this story take place? How is this important to the story?
It takes place in the past . It is important because it shows that the story can happen in real life.

3- What does the narrator mean when the author writes "even my shadow ran off"?
To show that how lonely Amanda is. She feels even her shadow has left her.

4- How did Amanda's feelings about California change during the story?
At the beginning, she feels lonely but at the end, she feels happy and excited.

D) Complete the following graphic organizer with reference to “Boom Town”

What about me?

E) Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. When did the boy first speak with the GrandMaster?
a. After he met with the spinner woman
b. After he heard the girl's secret
c. After he decided he needed knowledge

____ 2. What was the carpenter's problem?
a. He didn't know how to make pens.
b. He needed a wife.
c. He couldn't give the boy knowledge.

____ 3. The goatseller told the boy, "Get me a pen, and you can have a goat or two? The pen the goatseller wanted was a
a. writing pen.
b. fenced yard.
c. wooden table.

____ 4. Which person in the story gave the boy the least amount of help?
a. the matchmaker
b. the carpenter
c. the spinner woman

____ 5. Why did the boy offer to help the merchant?
a. The merchant had something the boy needed.
b. The Grand Master sent the boy to the merchant.
c. The boy was trying to be kind to the merchant.

____ 6. It became clear that the boy could return to the Grand Master when the
a. goatseller sent him away.
[i]b. carpetmaker made him a small carpet.[/i]
c. merchant said that his daughter was mad.

____ 7. The author probably wrote this story to
a. show how to make a carpet.
b. tell about funny events.
c. teach an important lesson.

____ 8 . Why do you think the author included so many people in the story?
a. to show that the boy was clever.
b. to make the story more exciting.
c. to show that all people have needs

____ 9. Which clue words does the author use to show the sequence of events?
a. Once, then, finally
b. and, but, or
c. Could not, some

____ 10. Why do you think the author never tells us the boy's name?
a. In fact, the boy doesn't have any name.
b. The author forgets to write his name.
c. Not telling the boy's name helps the reader think the story could represent everyone.

____ 11. How is What About Me? similar to Boom Town?
a. Both of them are realistic fiction.
b. Both of them have boys and girls.
c. Both of them connected with money.

____ 12. The setting of the story is
a. California
b. a foreign country
c. China

B) Give short answers to the following question.

1- What is the genre of What About Me? and what moral does this story teach?
It is a fable. It teaches us that all people have needs, and we gain more knowledge when we help other people.

2- When and where does this story take place? How do you know?
It takes place in the past, in a foreign country. I know from the clue word "once there was a boy ……." and the clothes in the pictures.

3- The merchant's daughter is important in the story. Explain why she is an important part of the story?
She is important because the boy takes her to the carpenter as his wife.

4- Why was the Grand Master the most helpful to the boy?
Because he taught the boy that we gain knowledge when we help people.

F) Complete the following graphic organizer with reference to “ What About Me?”
Mention what kind of person the boy is.
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