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lubna masood

lubna masood

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PostSubject: long answers grade 7/ chk this out   long answers grade 7/ chk this out I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 31, 2010 1:36 pm

8. Compare and contrast the tone of both "Melting
Pot" and "Was Tarzan a Three Bandage Man"

tone of Quindlen's essay is formal and the tone of Cosby's essay is humorous.
In supporting their conclusions, they might refer to the serious topics
Quindlen discusses and any number of instances of humor in Cosby's essay. They
should give reasoned support for their reactions to the works.

9. In the excerpt from Barrio
, Ernesto interacts with Miss Ryan; the boy in “A Day's Wait”

interacts with his father. In an essay,
compare and contrast the boys' interactions with these

adults. Consider these
questions: How does Ernesto respond to and think of Miss Ryan? How does

the boy in “A Day's Wait”
respond to and think of his father? How do both boys interact with

these adults? What is
similar about their interactions? What is different?

The boy
in “A Day's Wait” quietly disobeys his father, not going to bed when his father
tells him to. When he believes that he has a fatal contagious disease, he shows
that he cares about his father—and the other members of the household—by
telling them to stay away from him. He resists drawing close to his father,
however, until at last he confides in him. Unlike the boy in “A Day's Wait,”
Ernesto never resists Miss Ryan. He likes her right away and quickly comes to
respect her. He admits to loving her, though it is not the love of a boy for a

10. In an
essay, consider how the setting of “All Summer in a Day” contributes to the
mood of the story. First, describe the story's setting. Include as many details
about the setting as you can think of. Then, tell how the story makes you feel.
How does the setting add to or create that feeling?

setting is the planet Venus, where it rains incessantly for years on end, with
the sun shining for only a couple of hours every seven years. They might
mention the forests, the underground city, and the constant noise of the
rainfall. In describing the mood, they will likely describe a gloominess.
Finally, students should recognize that the setting in effect creates the mood
of the story.

11. At the beginning of “The
Three-Century Woman,” Megan does not look forward to visiting her
great-grandmother. In an essay, discuss how her feelings have changed by the
end of the story. Support your response with references to her actions and
words at the end of the story.

shows that she has enjoyed herself and has perhaps learned something about
people during the visit. She kisses her great-grandmother and tells her that
she will visit more often. Students should recognize that Megan has gained
respect and admiration for her great-grandmother.
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Beauty Girl

Beauty Girl

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PostSubject: Re: long answers grade 7/ chk this out   long answers grade 7/ chk this out I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 31, 2010 2:53 pm

Thank u sooooooooooooooooo much flower

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