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 Lewis and Clark and Me P.5-6-7

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Join date : 2010-01-30

Lewis and Clark and Me  P.5-6-7 Empty
PostSubject: Lewis and Clark and Me P.5-6-7   Lewis and Clark and Me  P.5-6-7 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2010 2:32 pm

Grandfather’s journey
A) Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the questions:
1) Grandfather’s journey is a Historical Fiction because ……………………………….
a) It makes you laugh
b) It is a story with factual historical background
c) It bigger than real life
2)The setting is……………………………….
a) In the past between Japan and California
b) In present between Cairo and California
c) In future in Florida
3)The narrator in this selection is …………………………………..
a) Grandson
4)The main character is ………………………….
a) Grandfather
b) The daughter
c) The son of grandfather’s daughter
5) The Theme is …………………………………………………………………
a) An American man makes his home in California
b) A Japanese man makes his home in California
c) A Chains’ man makes his home in Japan
6) Which of the following events happened first in the story?
a) The author’s grandmother had a baby girl
b) Grandfather traveled in America
c) The author’s mother moved to Japan with her family
7)Grandfather amazed and bewildered by the sights in North America?
a)It was different from his home
b)He meet people of different colors
c)The war had destroyed many cities
Cool The climax is that ……………………………………………
a) Grandfather’s goes to America
b) Grandfather’s can’t visit America again
c) Grandfather loves America

B ) Give short answers to the following question:

1) What did Grandfather do after the steamship landed in the New world?
He explored North America by train and riverboat.
2) In what ways was North America different from the grandfather’s village in Japan?
North America had deserts and huge cities of factories.
3) What’s Grandfather’s personality?
Courage,determination,confidence,adventurousness,and independent.
4) How does the grandfather feel about North America?
He is fascinated by it.
5) Why would grandfather leave a place (California) he loved so much?
He missed his homeland.
6) Why did the grandfather buy a large house in the city?
He wanted his daughter to be comfortable.
7) What does the narrator mean when he says “I think I know my grandfather now?
He understands how his grandfather thought and felt.He loves both countries just as his grandfather did.
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