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Nermeen Ali

Nermeen Ali

Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-01-28
Location : KSA

Grade 3 - Writing p.29 - 30 Empty
PostSubject: Grade 3 - Writing p.29 - 30   Grade 3 - Writing p.29 - 30 I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 6:28 pm

Class Work

I f It Was Sunlight Shining
by Jack Prelutsky

If it was sunlight shining,
I’d know that it was day,
I’d gobble down my breakfast,
then hurry out to play.

If it was sunlight shining,
I would not be indoors,
I’d race around the garden,
I’d fill the air with roars.

If it was sunlight shining,
I’d be a chimpanzee,
I’d run, I’d jump, I’d tumble,
I’d clamber up a tree.

But it is moonlight shining,
my eyes are getting red,
my head is full of cobwebs,
and I am off to bed.

The words that rhyme in the poem :
day – play
indoors – roars
chimpanzee – tree
red - bed
The repletion of the word "shining" 4 times.


Write a song about something that happened to you. Use repetition and rhyme to make the song fun.

I like to study hard.
I don't want to be the last.
But I like to study art!!!
I have to finish the study so fast
because my friends won't wait.
They will leave so fast.
I like to study hard.

I enjoy eating a bun.
I eat it under the sun.
Really, it's a fun.
But I want to run
Because of my friends!!!
They want to eat the bun.

I have a ball
that score a goal.
I take it to the mall,
and play with Paul.
It's really a funny ball!
because it hits me and Paul.

Write a song about an animal you love. Use repetition and rhyme to make the song fun.

I have a cat
That is fat.
It is on the mat
in order to take a nap.
Really I love my cat.
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