A) Mach the following. b- Allah was b) not born. c- Allah will not c) die. d- Sleep does not d) come to Allah a- Man need to a) eat.
B) Fill in the blank. 1-Allah is one. 2 Allah made everything. 3- Allah put the stars in the sky. 4- Allah made the moon.
B)Choose the correct answer. 1-Who made everything? Allah (Allah - the teacher) 2-People made your home (Allah - people) 3-Only Allah can create (create – eat) 4-Allah is one (one – Two) 5-Allah made everything (nothing – everything) 6-All praise be to Allah (people - Allah) 7-You can ask Allah for help (sweet – help) 8-You can pray to Allah (pray – eat) 9-Allah hears our prayers (prayers - cars)
mena ATef
Posts : 70 Join date : 2010-02-05
Subject: Re: Module answers Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:42 pm
السلام عليكم مس سيدة الرجاء الانتهاء من اجابات الاسئلة