A)Answer the following:
1-What is Tawheed?
Tawheed means Allah alone is the creator
2-What is shirk?
To associate anything with Allah
3-Name some attribute of Allah?
The Lord –The one – The sustainer and the Creator
4-Name some Prophets?
Isa – Musa – Ibraheem – Dawood – Ismail and Muhammed
5-What is Risaalah?
It is s an Arabic word which means message
6-Name four Books Allah revealed to some of His Messengers?
Injeel – Tawrah –Zaboor – Suhuf and the Holy Quran
7-Who was the seal of the Prophet?
Prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه و سلم
8-Who was the first Prophet?
Adam عليه السلام
9-Why has Allah created life and death?
To test which of us is best indeed
10-What is the punishment for those who disobeyed Allah?
The Hellfire
11-Who will be rewarded on the Day of Judgement?
The good Muslims
12-Mention four things that Allah swears in Surat Alteen?
The fig, the olive, The Mount, Sinai and the Safe land
13-What does the ‘Safe Lord’s in Surah mean?
It means Makkah
14-Where was Suratul Adiyat revealed?
In Makkah
15-Who was Utbah?
Utbah was one of the leader in Makkah
16-What was the effect of Surat Fussilat on Utbah?
Utbah prostrated himself to Allah