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Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_lcap65%Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_rcap
 65% [ 28 ]
It is a step to the right way
Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_lcap23%Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_rcap
 23% [ 10 ]
It needs major enhancements
Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_lcap9%Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_rcap
 9% [ 4 ]
It is not neccessary
Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_lcap2%Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_vote_rcap
 2% [ 1 ]
I don't know how to use it!
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 Today is Sunday ! It's time for Grammar.

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Nermeen Ali

Nermeen Ali

Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-01-28
Location : KSA

Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. Empty
PostSubject: Today is Sunday ! It's time for Grammar.   Today is Sunday ! It's  time for Grammar. I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 31, 2010 1:23 pm

2) Grammar:

A) Decide whether each group of words is a sentence or a fragment. If it is a sentence, write the sentence with the correct capitalization and punctuation. If it is a fragment, write “F”

1- the baby is crying
The baby is crying.

2- on the top of the mountain

3- the nurse works in a hospital
The nurse works in a hospital.

4- tastes so delicious

5- you should have breakfast in the morning
You should have breakfast in the morning.

6- parrots live in the rain forest
Parrots live in the rain forest.

7- carried Ahmad and I

8- cold winds blasted the mountains
Cold winds blasted the mountains.

9- Antarctica is too cold to live
Antarctica is too cold to live.

10- i will travel to Makka
I will travel to Makka .

B) Underline the subject in each of the following sentences.

1- A wise man lives in a village.

2- Alexander should save money.

3- [b]The children[/b] are playing.

4- [b]The eagles [/b]hunted fish.

5- Indian women wear silk dresses.

6- Ahmad has a long coat.

7- Many countries have colorful clothing for celebration.

8- Life at my house goes more smoothly this way.

C) Underline the predicate in each of the following sentences.

1- Mom needs help around the house.

2- My little brother needs attention.

3- Everyone in the family needs something.

4- Each person helps the others.

5- We go out every Thursday.

6- My brothers pick up their toys.

7- We saw many zebras.

8- My new math lesson is understandable.

D) Underline the best answer that completes each of the following sentences.

1-Ahmad got a new bike last week ( . - ? - ! )

2- Does Esraa love science ( . - ? - ! )

3-Both the two brothers are reciting Quran ( . - ? - ! )

4-What a great toy you have ( . - ? - ! )

5-Rahaf found a dollar in the park ( . - ? - ! )

6-Start a saving account today ( . - ? - ! )

7-Oh, it is raining heavily now ( . - ? - ! )

8-I think that I should visit my teachers ( . - ? - ! )

9- Do you think that I should study 6 hours per day ( . - ? - ! )

10-How expensive college is ( . - ? - ! )

E) Mark the letter of the correct noun of each underlined noun.

1- The children saw many fox at the zoo.
a. foxs
b. foxes
c. foxies

2- hamza planted a some seeds in the garden.
a. hAmza
b. hamzA
c. Hamza

3- The men cleaned up their mess.
a. messes
b. messs
c. messies

4- Some clients bought new Japanese radio.
a. radioes
b. radios
c. radioies

F) Write a sentence for each item. Follow the directions.

a. Write a command to your sister.
Pray on time.

b. Write an exclamation about a new ruler.
What a new ruler it is !
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