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 Gr 3 - Grammar Time guestions

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Nermeen Ali

Nermeen Ali

Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-01-28
Location : KSA

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PostSubject: Gr 3 - Grammar Time guestions   Gr 3  -  Grammar Time guestions I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 5:19 pm

Dear students,,,

Can you solve these questions, they are soooooo easy :-

'To be', subject pronoun

1 – Complete with am – is – are

1- It ………… hot today.
2- Cairo ………… the capital of Egypt.
3- Dr. Muhammad ………… very skilful.
4- My classmates and I ………… in the school swimming team.
5- I ………… at home.
6- My parents ………… reporters.
7- You ………… very cute!
8- Karim and Sherif ………… friends
9- Your mother ………… so kind.
10- Your friends ………… naughty.

2- Write the negative form.

1- Lobo and Rosie are cats.
2- Samir is fat.
3- Riyadh is in Kuwait.
4- Elephants are small.
5- I am an engineer.

3- Form questions.

1- you / thirsty?
2- your pens / blue?
3- London / the capital of England?
4- Amal and Omneyia / neighbours?
5- I / your best friend?

4- Change the underlined words to singular, change the verbs:

1- The boys are carrying their bags.
2- Elephants are big animals.
3- The hunters have shot lions.
4- The girls are playing with their dolls.
5- Men work in factories.

3- Demonstrative pronouns

5- Circle the correct answer

1- (These / This) mobiles are theirs.
2- (That / Those) children are quiet.
3- I like (that / those) poster.
4- Look at (these / this) grey horses!
5- (That / Those) are my brother's biplanes.

6- Ask and answer

1- this / your pencil case? Is this your pencil case?
Yes, it is
2- those / our books? ………………………………………………………
No, ..............…………………………………………………………….
3- these / his turnips? ……………………………………………………...
Yes , ..………………………………………………………………….
4- that / a chameleon? ………………………………….………………….
Yes, …………………………………….l………………………………
5- those / your cards? …………………………….…………………….
Yes, ……………………………………………………………………
6- that / Omar's shirt? …………………………………………………….
Yes, ………………………………………………………..……………

7- Write

Singular plural

1- this bus …………………
2- that leaf …………………
3- ………………… those stories
4- this wolf …………………
5- ………………… these watches
6- that mouse …………………
7- ………………… those chairs
8 - ………………… these dishes
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