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 Writing P. 28 - Ahelpful person

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Nermeen Ali

Nermeen Ali

Posts : 73
Join date : 2010-01-28
Location : KSA

Writing P. 28 - Ahelpful person Empty
PostSubject: Writing P. 28 - Ahelpful person   Writing P. 28 - Ahelpful person I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 31, 2010 4:22 pm

For Girls 3/A

Write a description of a helpful person you’ve met. Tell what the person does.
Explain what these actions show about the person.

You can use the following words:
Goal – a positive person – help others – open minded – many examples – explain lesson – help the teachers – keep the class clean – carry – heavy bags – KGs students – help - needy people

What a nice example my friend is! I admire my friend? I admire my friend Nehal because she has a goal and wants to achieve (do) it. Her main goal is to help others. She feels happy when she explains a difficult lesson to my friends and me. She helps us because she wants all her classmates to take the full mark!! In fact she is not selfish at all. Moreover, she can help the teachers by cleaning and keeping the class tidy. She can also help the KGs students. For example, she can carry their heavy bags for them. And if something is missing from someone she searches everywhere till she finds it. In addition to this, she likes to help the needy people. She can donate money, food, clothes and toys. Can you imagine that she can donate all her sandwiches and her new toys to poor and needy people. Really, I am fond of her and I am trying to be like her.

Cool Razz Embarassed

For Boys 3/B

Write a description of a helpful person you’ve met. Tell what the person does.
Explain what these actions show about the person.

You can use the following words:
[i]Goal – a positive person – help others – open minded – many examples – explain lesson – help the teachers – keep the class clean – carry – heavy bags – KGs students – help - needy people[/i]

What a nice example my friend is! I admire my friend? I admire my friend Ahmad because he has a goal and wants to achieve (do) it. His main goal is to help others. He feels happy when he explains a difficult lesson to my friends and me. He helps us because he wants all his classmates to take the full mark!! In fact he is not selfish at all. Moreover, he can help the teachers by cleaning and keeping the class tidy. He can also help the KGs students. For example, he can carry their heavy bags for them. And if something is missing from someone he searches everywhere till he finds it. In addition to this, he likes to help the needy people. He can donate money, food, clothes and toys. Can you imagine that he can donate all his sandwiches and his new toys to poor and needy people. Really, I am fond of him and I am trying to be like him.
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